The story revolves around Manjunatha, an alcoholic who refuses to change despite his wife's efforts.
His wife works in a garment factory and takes care of the family, while Manjunatha spends his time drinking and wasting his time with his friends.
Finally Manjunatha's wife decides to abort her pregnancy because she feels that she cannot take additional responsibility of bringing a child into the world when her husband is so irresponsible.
Jaggesh's brilliant performance is the high point of the film. Yagna Shetty has portrayed her role quite effectively and proves that she is a talented actress.
V. Manohar has done a good job. Tabala Naani's histrionics are worth a special mention. Anoop Sileen's musical score goes with the tempo of the film.
Overall, 'Eddelu Manjunatha' is a neat satirical entertainer.